“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in” - Leonard Cohen

I began this work during a printmaking residency, creating monotypes on a large scale printing press. Working large was new to me and inadvertently the paper became creased under the press. What I first considered an imperfection, became the basis for an entire body of work as I embraced unpredictability as part of my process. The cracks, splits and creases were spontaneously formed as the paper became pleated and compressed under pressure from the press and interacted with the inked surface. Each outcome results in a unique, tactile, and sculptural print.

Monotype works on paper


The pieces in this series are printed on a very thin Japanese tissue which is traditionally used for conserving artwork and book mending. When I tore one of the prints by accident, I used the tissue as it is meant to be used - for mending. I liked the idea that a material so thin and delicate could be the basis for restoration and repair. I patched more prints with discarded scraps of tissue in order to subtly reference the Japanese mending art of Boro textiles. 

Monotype prints on Japanese Sekishiu tissue mounted to stretched canvas