I am continually intrigued by the printmaking process and its ability to transform my materials into evocative imagery. Experimenting with the diverse effects that traditionally textile-based techniques can achieve via printmaking has become a key aspect of my process in making  large-scale monotype prints, collage, and sculptural paper pieces. By manipulating either the paper or the textiles that I use to print with methods such as stitch, shibori wrinkling, binding and folding before running it through the press, the line between textile and paper is blurred. The outcome is tactile, process-based and materially-driven work that hovers between two & three dimensional states of being. 

Kristina Nobleman is a multidisciplinary artist who works with textiles, ink and paper. Improvisation is an important part of her practice and forms the basis for large-scale monotype prints, collage, and sculptural paper pieces exploring the aesthetic and sensory possibilities that fiber has to offer.

Kristina studied liberal arts at Sarah Lawrence College, NY. She subsequently worked in New York as a fashion designer, and later held teaching and management positions at the Textile Arts Center, Manhattan before moving home to Northern California to establish an independent studio practice. 

She has exhibited in New York and the San Francisco Bay Area, where her work was selected for the deYoung Museum’s 2020 + 2023 de Young Open Exhibitions. Her art is in the collections of The Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts at the De Young Museum/Legion of Honor, San Francisco as well as The Ritz-Carlton Santa Barbara, Stanly Ranch Napa, and private collections nationally. She is on the Board of Directors for the California Society of Printmakers in charge of portfolio review.

CONTACT: kristinanobleman@gmail.com